Sep 8Liked by Joe Reis

I think that we can fork this question into 2 separate ones:

1. How good do you need to BE at your current job?, and

2. How good to you need to be to GET a job?

If we were to evaluate those in #1 for #2, how many do we think we'll get that job?

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I like this approach.

Both 1 and 2 seems to oscillate on the job market. Today, #2 is all over the place, and even people with "impressive resumes" are struggling to find work, at least in tech. That same person would have no problem finding work a few years ago.

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Sep 10Liked by Joe Reis

Oh man, I have so many thoughts on hiring - someday I should get them written down

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You should be so good at your job that they can't ignore you ;)

ref: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13525945-so-good-they-can-t-ignore-you

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I remember reading an analysis of a commercial plane crash written by a former pilot. He had a line about why pilots make so much when the planes basically fly themselves these days: “you get paid all that money for the times when the autopilot fails”. That was the situation will Sullenberger, and you can also find cases where less experienced pilots caused disasters. I like to think that’s where I’m at after 30 years, but we also usually don’t have that kind of responsibility. A lot of this industry biases towards getting stuff done quickly and sorting out the consequences later.

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