On top of that, life is more than just work. It just pays your bills.

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Thanks Joe! Very pertinent for me personally right now as I'm at this exact crossroads. They say find a profession you love and you'll never "work" another day in your life, but conversely, you'll never have another day off in your life either.

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Hells yeah Johnny! Get after it.

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May 26Liked by Joe Reis

This is a bag full of great raw advice! I appreciate you touching on the transactional aspect. There's this belief that when you do something bigger than yourself your self-doubt dissipates. After all, there's only one 'I' in 'community'.

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And you won’t know you found it for a while…

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May 26Liked by Joe Reis

I wish I read this post 4 years ago!

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Perfect timing. Will find ways to practically apply this article. :)

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